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Past Events
ADHD Aware 3!

This event will foster a deeper appreciation and awareness for ADHD/ADD by policy makers, educators, parents, adults identified with ADHD and other significant stakeholders.
Our feature speaker, Dr. Edward Ned Hallowell is considered to be one of the foremost experts on ADHD. He co-authored, with Dr. Ratey, the book Driven to Distraction, which has sold more than a million copies.
Dr Hallowell’s most recent book, Driven to Distraction at Work, identifies the underlying reasons why people lose their ability to focus. He explains that solutions like ‘time management’ or ‘to-do lists’ don’t work because they ignore the true causes of mental distraction.
Dr Hallowell will share practical solutions on how to negotiate your world more successfully with ADHD.
Come Rediscover, Reconnect and Be More Productive
Date: Saturday, 13 May, 2017, 8.30am-2.30pm
Venue: Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business, Max Richards Drive, Uriah Butler Highway NW, Mt. Hope
Tickets: $750, includes lunch. Group Discounts available.
ADHD Aware 2!

This event is a Sensitization and Awareness conference on ADHD/ADD for teachers/educators, parents, adults identified with ADHD and other significant stakeholders. Presenting on this day will be a panel of local and international experts in the area of ADHD and ADD, including Ben Glenn.
Ben has been a full-time speaker since 1995, sharing with ADHD groups all over the world. His story of growing up with Learning Disabilities and ADHD, as well as his amazing live art demonstration that he performs as part of his presentation, combine into a powerful as well as entertaining program. He is the author of “SImply Special: Learning to Love Your ADHD” and “Understanding the Peaks and Pitfalls of ADHD in the Classroom.”
For tickets call: 681-3483, 685-7273, 310-2408
Date: Saturday 18 October, 2014 at 8.30 AM
Venue: Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business
ADHD Aware!

This event will feature a Sensitization and Awareness Workshop on ADHD/ADD for teachers/educators, parents and other significant stakeholders. Presenting on this day will be a panel of local and international experts in the area of ADHD and special needs, including Dr. Madonna Wojtaszek-Healy, an Educational Psychologist and Special Needs Consultant from the United States. Dr. Healy will give a general overview of ADHD/ADD in educational settings, and will provide support for teachers/educators in managing ADHD/ADD in the classroom.For tickets call: 681-3483, 685-7273, 310-2408
Date: Saturday 12 October, 2013 at 9 AM
Venue: Lion’s Civic Centre, Fitzblackman Drive,Wrightson Road Extension, Port of Spain